Hearts and Diamonds

I had a lovely little vision before I drifted off to sleep the other night and wanted to write it down before I forgot about it.

If you’ve meditated before, you’ll know immediately what I’m talking about.  but for those of you who haven’t I’ll try to explain what I was doing.

Have you ever brought your focus to the back of your eyelids?  It sounds weird, but you can actually see things with your eyes closed.  Not imagine them–actually see them.  When you first start out, you notice the blood vessels in your eyelids, like dull neon lines wending back and forth.  If you turn your eyes inward a bit, to the middle between your two eyes, you can see whether your third eye is open or not.  Sometimes it’s a tiny pinprick of light, sometimes it vibrates out in a large spiral that, come to think of it, looks a lot like the Time Vortex in Doctor Who.

If it’s open, you can see things.  Different traditions will tell you different things, inner sight, visions, precog.  Sometimes it’s scary stuff, sometimes it’s just a pretty psychedelic light show.  And sometimes, you see something very lovely indeed.

I had just started to focus in, more or less automatically now that I’ve done this for so many years, and just watched the light show play out.  Then, something I’d never seen before happened.  Through the third eye, it started to shower a curtain of crystals.  Tiny little diamonds, falling so thick and so fast, a heavy shower of twinkling lights covering my entire field of vision.  They eventually tapered off, falling into a large glittering pile to my right.

Then, the pile of diamonds started to shiver.  Some of them leapt up from the pile and coalescesed into a plump heart (symbolic, Valentine’s day style, not a real one thank goodness).  The heart fluttered right up to eye level and danced there for a minute, as if saying “Hey, here I am!  Look at me!”  Once I focused on it, as if it sensed my attention, it floated off to the left and disappeared.

As soon as it did, the crystals started to shiver again.  More floated up, this time coalescing into two tiny little hearts. Again, they floated up to eye level, snuggling against each other and fluttering there long enough for me to focus in and see them, and then danced off to the left too.

Then, again, another heart. Then another.  And another.  And I lost track because I drifted off to sleep.

What a wonderful way to nod off.  Wish I saw such pretties every night, but then I might take them for granted.  It was really nice, though, to fall asleep feeling so loved.

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