
The dark headed girl who keeps popping up in my dreams was back. I was at her house, in a bedroom. There was a twin bed and a nightstand next to it. There was a window off to the side, but it looked like there were blackout curtains up. It was very dingy.

I’m standing on the other side of the bed trying to talk to the girl. She is very agitated. She is building a wall between the bed and the nightstand. Drywall and everything. I keep trying to get her to tell me what is going on, and she finally tells me that she is afraid of the Joker. I get a flash in my head of Heath Leger’s Joker and I’m a bit creeped out too. Then we hear a door close, and she starts freaking out and building the wall even faster. I realize that the wall she is building will block her off from the door.

I don’t know what is going on, but I have the feeling this is not going to go well. Either she is insane, or there is someone dressed up as the Joker causing trouble. In either case, I decide I’m not going to stick around, because I just know whatever happens I’m going to get blamed for it. So I leave.

Then I am at a mall, and there is a cinema attached at the back. They are running an independent film festival there, and I’ve just watched a movie about an Indian family. They make you clear out of the theater and then go back in between movies. I’m out in the lobby waiting to go back in. The family that was in the film comes out into the lobby. I’m wondering if maybe it was a documentary and I didn’t notice it when a guy grabs me by the arm and starts pulling me away.

“You don’t want to go to that movie. It’s awful,” he says.

I am pissed that he is dragging me by the arm and I shake him off. “How would you know? It’s a premiere.” I look at him and am taken a bit aback because he looks like my ex. The ex that died. I am a bit creeped out but fascinated so I don’t immediately walk away. Is it him reincarnated? I try to do the math in my head. This guy is really young, but I’m not sure it’s been long enough for him to be an adult in another lifetime. Is it a ghost?

Whoever it is, we are arguing. He is trying to get me to stay away from the cinema. As we are arguing, we run into a weird obnoxious red-headed guy who says to him “Hey did you bring that hot one for me?”

I tell the guy to fuck off and walk off over to a bar I see a couple of buildings down. Doppelganger ex is running after me. I sit down and order a drink and he sits next to me. I realize his shirt is unbuttoned. I think that is so gross. But at the same time he looks like my ex, and my ex was pretty hot, but he was never this in-your-face-hey-look-at-me hot.

He is still trying to convince me not to go back to the cinema. I get really pissed, and I tell him that Gareth Lloyd’s zombie movie is the next movie up after this one, and it’s the premier, and as soon as I finish my drink I am going back to the cinema and get into line. He is really upset. I keep telling him “No, I am going to go,” and he just gets more agitated the more I say no to him. I think, Now this is the guy I used to date.

Just a snippet. Another guy, at a party. There’s a weird energy vibe going on between us, but it’s not sexual. He is a very weird looking guy, with a long pointy nose. He reminds me of a giant bird the nose is so much like a beak. I am trying to figure out what it is about this guy and then suddenly I go into vision mode (I know vision mode within a dream–trippy). I see a globe and it spins around to show where I was born. A little comment bubble comes up with my name and birthdate. Yeah, so what? Then a little comment bubble comes up with the guy’s name and his birthdate. I don’t remember the guy’s name, but I remember the place was the same as where I was born and the birthday was the same day. So I think, that’s it. We were born on the same day in the same place so we share that energy. But then I think, But the birthdate wasn’t correct. It said the 11th and I was not born on the 11th.

And then I get the realization, oh it’s a twin. He’s not my twin, but he is a twin, so born same place, same day, of the same tribe? And as soon as I realize that, I think, Where’s his twin? And the globe spins around and shows me Australia.

And I think, Well, once again, I’m being given information and I don’t know what the hell to do with it. There’s a twin, who has a twin in Australia, and I don’t know who he is and I didn’t get a name for the person in Australia, and even if I did get the names, what the hell am I supposed to do?

And then I realize Heath Ledger was Australian. This is weird. Does this twin I’m being shown have something to do with “The Joker” from the first dream? And is The Joker the same Joker I saw in this dream? And if there is a connection, is this guy maybe the girl’s twin and she’s scared of him and trying to block the door to let him into her life?

My head hurts enough just trying to sort things out in my own relationships. Is the universe really asking me to play matchmaker now for others too?

More Silly Weird Dreams

Things have been quiet on the dream front for a while, and I’ve been glad of it.  After the scary weird stuff from the end of last year, it’s been kinda nice to just black out when I go to sleep.  This last week or so, though, I’ve had some more silly and weird celebrity dreams.  Silly and weird are much better than scary and weird, so for the record: some of the Torchwood boys showed up, Keanu caused a big problem, and Adam Baldwin pulled a John Casey. Then there’s one that’s just weird.

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